Sunday, June 15, 2008


And I have still not started. The pain's there. Just nothing coming out. I was supposed to start somewhere around Wednesday. (I'm hardly regular, even on the pill.)

No, I'm not pregnant. I checked.


While it may be cheaper to buy those tests in multi-packs, I think they do more mental harm than good for people such as myself. "What if I did it wrong? Maybe I should do it again. But how do I know I did this one right? Should I go buy another box?" I could blow my whole paycheck on pregnancy tests with very little provocation.

Today is Father's Day. All I'm up to doing is laying on the heating pad with my legs propped up, but I'd feel bad if I did that. So I'm going to go get cleaned up, pop a pain pill, and see what Dad wants to do today.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Month-end update

(Mine, anyway.)

Well, I forgot the Advil trick, so I can't report on that this month. And of the supplements I was going to pick up, I only got B6 (50 mg instead of 100 mg...B vitamins tend to do bad things to me). I forget what it was supposed to do. Give me more energy, maybe. If so, it's working...either that, or I've turned manic depressive and am having an upswing.

Doubt it. Let's attribute it to the vitamins.

The pain, the bloating, the headache...all have arrived on time. Sunday morning, the pain infiltrated my dreams; I was in high school again, only with my coworkers for classmates, and I desperately needed my heating pad (which was, for some reason, clear across the building), but class was going to start. However, getting my heating pad (and making it back to class undetected -- go me) did not help the pain, so I woke up and got the real thing.

I have a burn on my back from the stupid thing. Looks like a tie-dyed tan.