Monday, May 18, 2009


A new line of thinking. I've been realizing the effects stress has had on my health, life, and outlook, and have recently made efforts to alleviate and eliminate it. Some of it is situational, and some of it psychological. The situational stuff I can't change; however, I can do something about the psychological stuff. A friend gave me a really helpful book: The Worry Cure. It's helped me see how my reactions were, in many cases, making mountains out of molehills. So before I ground my teeth into powder, alienated my family and friends, and stressed myself into an early grave, I decided to put some of the theories from the book into practice.

And guess what? This period was better. Lighter, shorter, and less painful. Granted, the lighter/shorter part could just be because last month's was so long. But I usually hurt regardless. And while I did hurt this month, it wasn't unbearable. A little stiffness, some bad moments on the first and second days. That's it.

I'm giving it a few months before I determine if this is really cause and effect. But for the most part, destressing is apparently full of win. No starvation required.

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