Monday, May 26, 2008

All hips...and not in that sexy way

I finally (finally!) stopped dripping, but the pain hasn't faded. Saturday's pain I'm blaming on the 6-hour shopping trip (Mom says spending that long on her feet always made her back hurt), but I don't know why my hips are hurting today. Unless it's from sleeping so long last darling boyfriend was over, and sleeping is more fun when he's in bed with me, so I slept 10 hours as opposed to my usual 7. Even after a half-hour backrub, I'm still moving like an old woman, clutching at my hip.

I've got a list of supplements (with amounts, for once) that I got somewhere on teh intarwebs (I forget where). At this point, I'm game for just about anything, so I'm going to stock up on the recommended dosages and take them for a month or two, then report back.

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