Friday, May 16, 2008

Yeah, pain

Pain that the Lyrica plus a heating pad can't really touch. It reaches from my lower back to my ankles -- my feet even got into the mix earlier. And I have a migraine to top it all off.

I did learn something today: Lumbar pillows help, particularly while driving. Especially while driving for an hour, which is what I did this evening. One way. I just need a better pillow; I'm using a herbal heating pack at the moment (unheated). It's the right shape and size, but a bit hard. One of those smooshy pillows would do the trick. Looked at Hel-Mart for them (Mom's idea to go there, and she quickly remembered why we don't), but of course with the Friday night crowd we couldn't find a thing. I'll try Target tomorrow.

Happily, the bloating is at a low ebb this time. Dunno if it's my diet (been focusing more on healthy foods and juice and less on pizza) or if I just got lucky this month. I suppose I ought to keep track of these things.

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