Sunday, December 28, 2008

Mircette month one epilogue

Okay, so I was never expecting a 2-day period. And I didn't get one, either. No, mine was four days long. I've heard that such things exist, but I believed in them about as much as I believe in a pleasant Walmart shopping experience. Consider me converted. (On the period thing, of course, not the Walmart thing.)

Also, I didn't have any of the clotting and other chunkiness I normally associate with periods. Extra bonus: Sex (which I didn't dare attempt until last night...I don't mean to imply that this period's been a walk in the park) didn't hurt as much as it usually does.

In short, this period has been 1) very heavy and 2) accompanied by moderate to severe pain, but 3) shorter, 4) easier, and 5) less onerous than my usual.

Unless something untoward comes up in the next month or so, I'm sold on this pill.

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