Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I'm not kidding -- it really exists. And I'm at that point where I say "What the hell?" and try just about anything that might work.

And this might work. The main ingredient is dandelion root, which I've read is helpful for endo. (Improves liver function, which flushes out all that estrogen and thus reduces bloating, pain, temporary insanity, and so forth. Or so they say.)Another tea that I'm going to try, as soon as I track it down, is Women's Liberty; I've also heard dong quai and wild yam are helpful, though I took wild yam for about a year with no visible improvement.

Still, I'll try just about anything.

I'm supposed to start Sunday. (Realistically, I'm thinking Tuesday or Wednesday.) Right now, I'm only dribbling a bit, but the pain is intense. And bloated...good lord. Yesterday morning, my rings were loose enough to spin completely around my fingers. By 10 a.m., they were so tight that they were making my fingers go numb. After I took them off, I had grooves in my fingers for an hour. I'm afraid to put them back on.

So, I'm drinking this tea. Three cups a day, as directed (my cups are a bit larger than 8 oz, which is why I'm drinking 3 and not 4). It's...not tasty. In fact, I'm wracking my brain trying to figure out what it does taste like. The only thing I'm coming up with is dirt. I don't remember ever eating dirt, but I probably did. (I was that kind of child.) The label says it's bitter and sweet. Really, it's neither. Just tastes...well, like dirt. And you're supposed to drink it 3-4 times a day for the entire week before your period.

I paid $5 for the privilege of drinking muddy water thrice daily for a week. Part of me feels like a complete idiot. The other part of me hurts, and would eat actual dirt if studies showed it helped.


Dana Seilhan said...

If you think that stuff is awful, I've tried dong quai extract. Ew.

But if you think about it, some of the pills you take from allopathic medicine would probably taste like stanky butt in tea form too.

Nicole said...

I don't know why I didn't think of that before -- I should try to hunt this stuff down in pill form. Especially since the grocery store stopped selling the PMS tea. I'd much rather take this stuff in pill form than drink it.